If someone isn't helping us understand the colors that have made up who we are, we'll never be able to do the work we were made to do.
While there are approximately a million things to consider, I find myself looking for something deeper than just looks and skill.
Just as I opened the cabinet door under our sink, something caught my eye...
What are you afraid of?
Are detours really distractions?
What starts out as a rebellion against an old story eventually becomes old story too.
I know scores of people who are at a standstill.
A friend of mine recently had dinner with the family who created the first automobile sun visor.
When you commit to a group of people, it’s a lot like a good marriage.
You will not be stuck forever.
The artist’s (and human’s) job is to see well. And to do that you must have slow and steady eyes.
Lessons from a sausage plant.
How to see your problems as grand mysteries to be solved.
When I came back, I found this written on my whiteboard...
Which story are you in right now?
How to make them come back for more.
This is the thing about big projects.
I’d seen every movie, read reviews of every play, and studied the way he would prepare for a role.